While I play many games, I've found myself mainly playing Destiny 2 for years now. Something about the games Bungie makes, stemming from playing Halo as a kid, all the way through today just feels right.
Could be the stellar gunplay that they just absolutely nail every time, could be their audio or narrative work, could be that core 30 seconds of fun gameplay loop that they've perfected. Whatever it may be, I feel like Bungie just continues to catch lightning in a bottle, time after time.
My dream has always been to be a part of that team, to be able to contribute to something great like that and provide that experience that I grew up on, to someone else.
I'm including this page to share some of my achievements from Destiny 2 from collecting every title in the game except the current seasons as I've been busy, to solo raid clears.
This is a game which I hold very dear to my heart.